• news

    Aura Scan and Healing with Isis

    The past few weeks have been full of intense energy, and with so many planets in the sign of Aries, I felt my outer auric field on fire. I was feeling electricity throughout my outer field so much that it enhanced my ADHD and felt unbalanced even with my usual meditations, spiritual baths, and ritual cleanses. I couldn’t get my balance until I found the right meditation and what I experienced was new so I thought I’d share. Our auras have an outer layer and inner layer, and those who’ve had an aura reading with me know that I’ll share the layers of colors and how it affects them. It’s…

  • news,  spiritual practice

    Messages from Isis During Changes After Eclipse

    Many people felt the energy shift during the eclipse while others felt flat from expectations. The significance of this eclipse was to close out old wounds and bring about new changes, which can be painful and fearful. The planets have aligned to support you in this transition although it still brings heavy emotions and hopefully these actions can help you feel stronger. I connect with priestess Isis a lot during my meditations and she came in loud and clear to remind me about how we need to call back our power during these changes. While we close out old cycles in relationships or create new chapters in our lives, we…