spiritual practice

  • apothecary,  news,  spiritual practice,  Tarot

    I’ve Got a Candle For that

    Whether you’re looking to attract abundance, love, money, employment or remove obstacles in your life, I’ve got a candle to help you. My special candle services for opening roads to remove obstacles if you’ve had a tough time in business, love, money or relationships. If you’re not sure which candle you need, you can send an email with your situation, or schedule a 30min consultation reading so spirit can give us clarity. ROAD OPENER — If you’ve had a tough time in money, business or career and/or you feel like blocked and can’t seem to get past a financial or career situation, this is the candle for you. Blessed with…

  • news,  spiritual practice

    Messages from Isis During Changes After Eclipse

    Many people felt the energy shift during the eclipse while others felt flat from expectations. The significance of this eclipse was to close out old wounds and bring about new changes, which can be painful and fearful. The planets have aligned to support you in this transition although it still brings heavy emotions and hopefully these actions can help you feel stronger. I connect with priestess Isis a lot during my meditations and she came in loud and clear to remind me about how we need to call back our power during these changes. While we close out old cycles in relationships or create new chapters in our lives, we…

  • Moon cycles,  news,  Products,  Rituals,  spiritual practice

    Cord Cutting To Freedom

    Cutting energetic cords with toxic people or past relationships gives you the closure you need. Sometimes we end relationships but haven’t let go of that person because of their emotions. This creates cords tied to another person, which does not allow someone to move on after they have ended their relationship, or friendship. Sometimes we also need to focus on ourselves and need a break from someone so that we are not holding ourselves back. When we allow relationships to become stagnant or toxic, it can start to affect our energy levels and overall well-being. It’s important to remember that we are all individuals with our own paths to follow,…

  • Moon Goddess,  news,  Rituals,  spiritual practice

    Steps to Taking a Spiritual Bath

    The spiritual baths are prepared individually after a psychic reading to cater to specific needs, using various spiritually significant ingredients. A sacred atmosphere is created around the bath involving candles, incantations, and mantras to connect with spirit guides. Clients are advised to abstain from sexual activity post-bath and to ground themselves afterwards. Luna welcomes queries and assures a revitalising experience with possible release of toxins.

  • news,  Rituals,  Spiritual events,  spiritual practice

    Accessing your Light Body Energy

    The other light body is a higher-dimensional, non-physical energy body that exists alongside the physical body. Composed of higher-frequency energies, the light body is considered to be the bridge between the physical and spiritual realms. Light body energy is a purer, more refined form of energy compared to the energies associated with the physical body. It’s higher vibrational frequency represents a state of greater consciousness and spiritual awareness. There are various ways to connect with light body frequency through meditation, energy healing, yoga and more. The goal is to raise one’s consciousness and align oneself with the higher frequencies of the light body to experience greater spiritual growth and connectedness.…

  • Moon Goddess,  Products,  Rituals,  spiritual practice,  Tarot

    Impatient Manifestations

    So you manifested prosperity, abundance and opportunities but you are impatient, stressed out and frustrated…. well you are in self-sabotage mode. The universe has heard you, spirit is working with divine time, not your time. Things are working out as you asked, but you are getting in your own way with your anxious ways trying to rush things along. If you feel frustrated because things aren’t working fast enough then you are only causing your own conflicts. Have trust and faith in the universe, it’s only scary and stressful if you don’t trust. And the universe is making things work better than you could imagine!