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Messages from Isis During Changes After Eclipse

Many people felt the energy shift during the eclipse while others felt flat from expectations. The significance of this eclipse was to close out old wounds and bring about new changes, which can be painful and fearful. The planets have aligned to support you in this transition although it still brings heavy emotions and hopefully these actions can help you feel stronger.

I connect with priestess Isis a lot during my meditations and she came in loud and clear to remind me about how we need to call back our power during these changes. While we close out old cycles in relationships or create new chapters in our lives, we should remember to call back our energy from people, places and things from the past.

The SOUL RETRIEVAL card jumped about and something I’ve spoken about many times before (I’ll link a previous video post with a guided meditation below.) This card reminds us to heal through spiritual restoration. Pieces of our soul, energy and light can be trapped in the past, in traumatic experience, or in relationships, even with people long gone, because our energy was exchanged and never returned. The time has come to reclaim and restore your soul from the past when you need to move on. Doing this allows you to call back your power, and allows you to heal faster and stronger.

For some people, you may need to do this multiple times and consistently with deep trauma. Depending on your trauma, you may need to do 3 sessions in a row during morning and night. For others you may need to this every 6-12 months. Regardless, through changes in life, you need to be consistent with these meditations.

I’ve linked a previous post with video here and if you feel you need an in person or virtual guided meditation, you can book soul retrieval meditation sessions with me via email luna at

The PILLAR OF LIGHT card talks about reaching higher frequency and preparing your energy field to connect strongly to Isis for spiritual enlightenment, healing and guidance. By meditating four pillars around you and envisioning golden light through all your chakras, utilize these pillars of light to help you balance this magnitude of energy being received. In doing these meditations more frequently, you will be able to connect stronger, channel messages and be able to powerfully manifest your desires.

You may want to try this meditation once a day in the mornings for three days in a row, and then slow them down to weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly.

In conjunction with these two cards, we have the PAGE OF CUP, NINE OF PENTACLES and ACE OF SWORDS. These are confirmation to how aligned you will be with yourself. You will feel happier, lighter, empowered with these changes in your life. You will let go of fear and uncertainties, doubt, panic, neediness and insecurities. In time, you will feel more like your soul has been rejuvenated and on your healing journey, have the love in your heart to keep moving forward.

These meditations and messages are supportive actions to help you along your transformation and know that you can always call on priestess Isis to help you with your healing journey.

Peace and blessings,


LunaLove messages with Isis —April 11
Meditation with Isis

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