Signs you may need to empower yourself and connect with your divine feminine
I often read for women who are unknowingly sitting in their ego and asking me and themselves when the man they love will pick them, or when they will find their soulmate, or when their relationships with parents or children will improve, or when their bad luck will finally end. There are numerous reasons why these things are happening and each case varies, however there is a great chance that these signs are indications to go inward. Many times, they are sitting in their low vibration and bringing more challenges and feeling stuck, because they are not being authentic to themselves and not connecting to their divine feminine. Contrary to…
I’ve Got a Candle For that
Whether you’re looking to attract abundance, love, money, employment or remove obstacles in your life, I’ve got a candle to help you. My special candle services for opening roads to remove obstacles if you’ve had a tough time in business, love, money or relationships. If you’re not sure which candle you need, you can send an email with your situation, or schedule a 30min consultation reading so spirit can give us clarity. ROAD OPENER — If you’ve had a tough time in money, business or career and/or you feel like blocked and can’t seem to get past a financial or career situation, this is the candle for you. Blessed with…
Aura Scan and Healing with Isis
The past few weeks have been full of intense energy, and with so many planets in the sign of Aries, I felt my outer auric field on fire. I was feeling electricity throughout my outer field so much that it enhanced my ADHD and felt unbalanced even with my usual meditations, spiritual baths, and ritual cleanses. I couldn’t get my balance until I found the right meditation and what I experienced was new so I thought I’d share. Our auras have an outer layer and inner layer, and those who’ve had an aura reading with me know that I’ll share the layers of colors and how it affects them. It’s…
Eclipse Message from Spirit Animals
New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries The Eclipse Happened, Now What? I’ve been called to connect with the animal kingdom realm to get some guidance on what today’s eclipse energy will influence for us as a collective for the next few months. Today’s energy is the beginning of a new path and will continue to evolve and progress for you this year. The BEE represents the ability to be a creator in your own life and the life of others. Bee energy, according to mythological tale, purifies and strengthens the soul. They create harmony in nature and nurture the plants that nurtures the earth that nurtures humankind. They symbolize healing,…
Cord Cutting To Freedom
Cutting energetic cords with toxic people or past relationships gives you the closure you need. Sometimes we end relationships but haven’t let go of that person because of their emotions. This creates cords tied to another person, which does not allow someone to move on after they have ended their relationship, or friendship. Sometimes we also need to focus on ourselves and need a break from someone so that we are not holding ourselves back. When we allow relationships to become stagnant or toxic, it can start to affect our energy levels and overall well-being. It’s important to remember that we are all individuals with our own paths to follow,…
Steps to Taking a Spiritual Bath
The spiritual baths are prepared individually after a psychic reading to cater to specific needs, using various spiritually significant ingredients. A sacred atmosphere is created around the bath involving candles, incantations, and mantras to connect with spirit guides. Clients are advised to abstain from sexual activity post-bath and to ground themselves afterwards. Luna welcomes queries and assures a revitalising experience with possible release of toxins.
Accessing your Light Body Energy
The other light body is a higher-dimensional, non-physical energy body that exists alongside the physical body. Composed of higher-frequency energies, the light body is considered to be the bridge between the physical and spiritual realms. Light body energy is a purer, more refined form of energy compared to the energies associated with the physical body. It’s higher vibrational frequency represents a state of greater consciousness and spiritual awareness. There are various ways to connect with light body frequency through meditation, energy healing, yoga and more. The goal is to raise one’s consciousness and align oneself with the higher frequencies of the light body to experience greater spiritual growth and connectedness.…
Luna Love Psychic Medium Spiritualist With the Clairs in New Orleans
Luna Love has been seeing and speaking to spirit since she was a little girl raised in NY in a Latin household with a mother who read tarot from a regular deck of cards. During her 80s childhood, she exhibited a heightened sensitivity to the spiritual world and often had experiences that were difficult for her to understand. She would have prophecy dreams as young as 5 years old and would see spirits in her mirrors, talk to them in her bedroom, she felt every emotion that wasn’t hers, which made her know everyone’s thoughts and feelings. As early as 7 years old, she experienced all the Clair Senses including…