• news,  Tarot

    New Beginnings and maintaining your energy

    Step forward into new beginnings with your full potential Some of you may be feeling the shift and affects from the Pluto Jupiter conjunct and the power of the eclipse starting to show up with changes for you. Changes in relationships with people, places and things are happening now. With those changes, it’s important to check in on your energy field and call back your energy from the past so you are strong and fully charged to keep going. I thought I’d share a little meditation and incantation for you as you step into these new changes. If you’ve changed jobs, or ended relationships with people, or even moved to…

  • news,  Rituals,  Spiritual events,  spiritual practice

    Accessing your Light Body Energy

    The other light body is a higher-dimensional, non-physical energy body that exists alongside the physical body. Composed of higher-frequency energies, the light body is considered to be the bridge between the physical and spiritual realms. Light body energy is a purer, more refined form of energy compared to the energies associated with the physical body. It’s higher vibrational frequency represents a state of greater consciousness and spiritual awareness. There are various ways to connect with light body frequency through meditation, energy healing, yoga and more. The goal is to raise one’s consciousness and align oneself with the higher frequencies of the light body to experience greater spiritual growth and connectedness.…