• news,  Tarot

    New Beginnings and maintaining your energy

    Step forward into new beginnings with your full potential Some of you may be feeling the shift and affects from the Pluto Jupiter conjunct and the power of the eclipse starting to show up with changes for you. Changes in relationships with people, places and things are happening now. With those changes, it’s important to check in on your energy field and call back your energy from the past so you are strong and fully charged to keep going. I thought I’d share a little meditation and incantation for you as you step into these new changes. If you’ve changed jobs, or ended relationships with people, or even moved to…

  • news,  spiritual practice

    Messages from Isis During Changes After Eclipse

    Many people felt the energy shift during the eclipse while others felt flat from expectations. The significance of this eclipse was to close out old wounds and bring about new changes, which can be painful and fearful. The planets have aligned to support you in this transition although it still brings heavy emotions and hopefully these actions can help you feel stronger. I connect with priestess Isis a lot during my meditations and she came in loud and clear to remind me about how we need to call back our power during these changes. While we close out old cycles in relationships or create new chapters in our lives, we…

  • Tarot

    101 Message from spirit: you are protected

    Like the Oak Tree You are protected and can weather anything. Just like the oak tree which can live for hundreds of years, the oak is known for its nobility and endurance. You carry the energy off a leader and wisdom is expanding within you. If you are reading this, know that you are protected by spirit and you are stronger than you think. No matter how dark and heavy things feel, Spirit wants to remind you that everything happens for a reason and is not meant for you to stay in Dark vibration. It’s time to change your energy, sit in your power and feel yourself getting stronger. The…

  • Tarot

    Message of the Day: In Competition with Yourself

    When you see this message, you may find yourself challenged by someone who has similar aspirations or equally ambitious and your reaction is insecurity or jealousy, which only causes more challenges for yourself. It’s time to redirect your energy and focus. Turn that energy into inspiration, healthy and positive energy to help motivate you and move with the same energy. Utilize that strength for your highest good, not against yourself. Because in reality, you are in competition with yourself Let go of your ego and you will see growth and positive vibes turns to success!

  • Tarot

    Message of the Day – Stuck in your head

    The swords cards came out including the 8 of swords, the two of swords and page of swords. It’s all mental frustration, irritation and resistance to break out of your head. Spirit is saying you are your worst enemy today. You are trapped in your thoughts and it is causing you to limit yourself as this is restrictive and conflicting with energy around you. This is similar to a fixed person, who can not break free from their square box in their head. This causes conflicts, arguments, restlessness, anxiety, stress and overall unhappiness. Are you not seeing eye to eye with a person or situation? You are causing your own…